
Rudy Giuliani Stuns NBC’s Chuck Todd By Saying ‘Truth Isn’t Truth’

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Rudy Giuliani to Chuck Todd

Truth Isn’t Truth

And We’re Not Rushing Trump Into Perjury

8/19/2018 11:05 AM PDT

Rudy Giuliani just added a new edition to the “alternative facts” library from the Trump White House — telling a reporter “truth isn’t truth” when it comes to … well, the truth.

The President’s personal attorney was on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ with Chuck Todd and got grilled on why 45 hasn’t sat down for an interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to wrap up the Russia investigation. Giuliani’s reason … let’s not rush into a lie under oath.

He basically says Mueller’s gonna get a he said, he said — from Trump and Comey — as to who said what to whom … who knew what … and when. And, because Comey used to be tight with Mueller in the FBI, Rudy says it’s a no-brainer who the latter will believe.

Unfortunately for Rudy, there’s only one objective reality … which is probably why Chuck couldn’t help but laugh at the “truth” line. And, yes, this did become a meme.