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Jane Fonda‘s still walking the walk — marching with and sitting in with environmental protesters in D.C. — but now when the cops move in, Jane heads for higher ground.
The iconic actress and activist was there to stage the sixth consecutive Fire Drill Fridays protest on Capitol Hill. As you know, Jane’s been arrested 4 times, but she did not end up in handcuffs this time. Police moved in when the group sat and chanted in the rotunda of the Capitol, and warned demonstrators they were about to be rounded up.
At that point, Jane was high above on a balcony … still chanting along with her comrades in protest — but steering clear of arrest. It’s the second week she hasn’t been arrested — and as we reported last week … that’s exactly what the protest planners want.
The folks behind Fire Drill Fridays say Jane’s best value to the group is remaining the weekly face of their activities on the Hill — and they begged her to avoid a 5th arrest.
As we told you, due to a previous bust … Jane already has an open court date, and if she’s thrown in jail a fifth time she risks remaining behind bars for 30 to 90 days.
The last time cops took Jane into custody, on November 1, she had to spend a night in jail — but for now, she’s staying high.
Kinda like the 60s all over again.