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Senator Ted Cruz seems to be telegraphing what many believe the Supreme Court might do next — namely, overturn legalized gay marriage … this on the heels of Roe v Wade.
The Texas legislator expressed his own personal disapproval of the landmark decision in Obergefell v Hodges back in 2015 — a ruling that made gay marriage legal throughout the entire United States … and which some worry might be on the chopping block soon.
And there it is. Ted Cruz says the Supreme Court was wrong to legalize same-sex marriage.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) July 16, 2022
Watch … during a recent appearance on ‘The Cloakroom’ podcast via Verdict+, Cruz says he thinks the High Court overreached in its authority back then, ushering in a new right that isn’t explicitly stated in the Constitution — TC, of course, is a strict constructionist.
While he doesn’t go further to say anything but his viewpoint on the matter — saying that it was the wrong decision — the Twitter-sphere is, no doubt, up in arms after seeing this.
Ted Cruz says the Supreme Court got it wrong when they legalized gay marriage. Let’s be clear. They aren’t going to stop with Roe. We must fight back, or we will lose ALL the rights we fought so hard to get.
— Erie Siobhan
(@ErieNotEerie) July 16, 2022
The theory … the Supreme Court isn’t going to just stop at abortion — that the Justices might try and overturn a lot of old cases tied to privacy — including Obergefell, if not more. Of course, in order for that to happen … a case touching on this must be brought forth, of which there doesn’t seem to be any right now on the court docket in the near future.
Still, the fact a case could potentially make its way to SCOTUS is a very real possibility … and with this current Justice lineup, they might be inclined to undo years of precedent.
Justice Clarence Thomas explicitly said he thought the court had a duty to go back and overturn a number of cases that were in the same legal ballpark as Roe … and it sounds like Senator Cruz is onboard with that.
Scary times, indeed.