
🔴 WATCH LIVE: Day 2 Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Collison Trial (Sanderson v. Paltrow) | E! News

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In the case of Sanderson v. Paltrow, retired Utah optometrist Terry Sanderson is suing Gwyneth Paltrow seeking more than $300,000 in damages in connection with a 2016 ski slope accident in Park City Utah at Deer Valley Resort.

0:00 – Introduction.
40:26 – Dr. Wendell Arlen Gibby takes the stand.
5:45:46 – Sam Goldstein takes the stand.

Sanderson’s attorney Lawrence D. Buhler accused Paltrow of distracted skiing when she crashed into Sanderson on a beginner slope causing him to break 4 ribs and sustain permanent traumatic brain injury. Plus, Sanderson claims Paltrow and her group skied away from the incident without getting him medical care. Gwyneth Paltrow’s lawyer denies all allegations and Gwyneth is countersuing Sanderson alleging he ran into her and she is asking the jury to award her $1 in symbolic damages and her attorneys’ fees covered.

One of Ms. Paltrow’s lawyers, Stephen W. Owens said the trial should last about 2 weeks and jurors would hear from about 20 witnesses including, doctors, ski instructors, Ms. Paltrow’s husband Brad Falchuk and children 16-year-old son Moses and 18-year-old daughter Apple.

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🔴 WATCH LIVE: Day 2 Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Crash Case (Sanderson v. Paltrow)
#GwynethPaltrow #GwynethPaltrowSkiTrial #ENews #GwynethPaltrowSkiCrashTrial