
How Hannah Jeter and Derek Jeter Find Alone Time for “Date Night” with 4 Kids | E! News

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In an exclusive interview with E! News’s Francesca Amiker, the 14-time MLB All Star and his wife reveal how they maximize their alone time with 4 little ones in the house! Hannah gave birth to the couple’s 4th child, a son, in May. Derek also opens up about how having children brought out his “softer side” and about the couple’s partnership with Jeep. Get more details at E! Online: www.eonline.com/news/1384390/derek-jeter-and-wife-hannah-jeter-reveal-how-they-keep-their-romance-on-base-as-parents-of-4

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How Hannah Jeter and Derek Jeter Find Alone Time for “Date Night” with 4 Kids | E! News