Celebrity Feuds

Willie McGinest Says Gruden Should’ve Called Khalil Mack, ‘There’s No Egos In This’

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Willie McGinest

Gruden Should Have Called Mack

… ‘There’s No Egos In This’

9/10/2018 2:51 PM PDT


NFL legend Willie McGinest is confused by the whole Raiders-Khalil Mack drama … and is seemingly placing most of the blame for the superstar’s departure on Jon Gruden‘s shoulders.

“If you’re a coach coming into a new situation and this is a player that you covet and you really want on your team, there’s no egos in this,” the ex-Patriot tells TMZ Sports.

“I think you call the player and express your feelings and what you expect and what you need.”

Remember … Mack’s whole issue with the Raiders stems from the fact that he and Jon NEVER spoke after Gruden got the head gig.

Willie — a former stud pass rusher himself — is perplexed by Gruden and the Raiders’ role in the situation … especially after the new Chicago Bear BEASTED in his first game Sunday.

“I understand there’s two sides to the business,” McGinest says.

“But, Khalil Mack, in my opinion, is a generational player that can control and impact the game.”

For Gruden’s part … he tells ESPN the trade had to go down because, “Obviously, Khalil Mack didn’t want to play here.”

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