
Lindsey Graham Says Kaepernick, Trump Summit Could ‘Bring the Country Together’

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Lindsey Graham

Supports Kaep, Trump Summit

Could ‘Bring the Country Together’

10/2/2018 6:13 AM PDT


Senator Lindsey Graham says he LOVES Kanye West‘s idea of bringing Colin Kaepernick and Donald Trump together … explaining, “I want to watch football without feeling guilty about it.”

And get this … it sounds like the Republican senator from South Carolina is actually on the same page with Colin when it comes to the reasons for his kneeling protest. 

Graham told us he believes there’s real work to be done when it comes to sentencing reform and prison reform — particularly when it comes to black and Hispanic men. 

As Colin has previously explained … the point of his kneeling demonstration was to shine a spotlight on the mistreatment of minorities — especially when it comes to the justice system. 

“I want to work on sentencing reform, prison reform,” Graham says … “A lot of people in jail for a long period of time. African-American males, Hispanic males, particularly. Three strikes and you’re out has been pretty hard. So, might be something we can all work on that would bring us together.”

Graham explains the one major issue he has with Kaepernick is not standing for the flag — but he clearly believes a White House summit could benefit both sides. 

“Anything that will bring the country together.”

And, Lindsey isn’t the only one who feels this way — we also spoke with ex-NFL star Marcellus Wiley who says a Kaepernick, Trump meeting would be a “great thing.”

“Anyone that you have a difference with that has power, you should get in a room with them and try to find mutual ground and mutual agreement,” Wiley said Monday night in Beverly Hills. 

“No matter what side you’re on, grab the person that you call ‘adversary’ and try to come to some mutual agreement.”

“We’re all sitting here on this same planet, coexisting … so it would be great if we could coexist in some of these powerful meeting rooms and get our figures together.

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