
George Santos le está diciendo un gran “váyanse a la m***” a todos en HBO, prometiendo que irá tras el canal y la plataforma de streaming luego de que anunciaran el desarrollo de una nueva película sobre su controvertida carrera política. El recientemente destituido congresista habló con TMZ después de que HBO adquiriera los derechos
Rep. George Santos just got booted from Congress … after the House voted to expel him following a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges. Santos is the first member of Congress not convicted of a felony to be expelled since the Civil War. Only 6 members have been expelled in U.S. history.
Here’s a cool piece of United States history going up for sale … the proclamation George Washington issued making Thanksgiving a national holiday. America’s first President issued the proclamation way back in October 1798, designating a Thursday in late November as the first official Thanksgiving holiday. The founding father’s handwritten proclamation, complete with his signature