Lizzo dio en el blanco con su misión de honrar a las mujeres pioneras en el mundo del entretenimiento este Halloween, y todo lo que necesitó fue una impresión memorable de la bomba brasileña Carmen Miranda y un montón de cristales en su tocado. Play video content Instagram / @lizzobeeating Laurel DeWitt, diseñadora de celebridades
George Lopez is getting dragged through the coals for what some say is him acting like a gate-keeping elitist in standup comedy — this after kinda putting down a fellow Latino comic. The legendary funny man was on a podcast this past week for the All Things Comedy network — chatting with Steve Treviño and
Play video content Fat Joe had a Latino appreciation post blow up in his face because fans thought he was insinuating hip hop was just as much Hispanic culture as it was Black. The post highlighted several Latino artists involved in hip hop’s earliest days, and though he never named them creators … the