Inter Miami goalkeeper Nick Marsman — who’s slated to be teammates with Lionel Messi later this summer — was attacked by a spider at a zoo recently … and the bite was apparently so bad, the soccer player had to spend several days in the hospital. Marsman’s wife, Nathalie den Dekker, explained the scary situation
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck exchange vows in Georgia, Will Smith and son Trey fend off a monstrous spider and Kim Kardashian forgets how to open her own car door! 00:00 J.Lo & Ben’s 2nd Wedding 01:02 Will’s Spider Scare 02:07 Kim’s Car Confusion 03:52 Aubrey O’Days Vacay From Reality #JenniferLopez #BenAffleck #WillSmith #KimKardashian #NightlyPop